Chapter 3 - Carriers in Semiconductor
Pt. 1

ECE 4339
Han Q. Le (copyrighted) U. of Houston

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_1.gif

Part 1

0. Physical constants or frequently used formulas

1. Review classical conductivity: Drude model

1.1 Concept discussion

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_2.gif

App Demo: Drude model of electron transport 1

App Demo: Concept of mobility

Look up the number of outer shell electrons (conduction electrons) per atom of Au, Cu, Al, Ni. Look up their specic density in gram/Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_5.gif. Calculate the conduction electron density (# electrons per unit volume, use unit Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_6.gif) of these metals. From the looked up values of their conductivities, calculate the electron drift velocity in these metals.

The electron mass in these metals is practically the same as free electron mass. Calculate their relaxation time.

1.2 Link to File on conductivity

2. Hall Effect

2.1 Basic discussion

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_7.gif

Consider a copper stripe with width w=0.5 cm. A current of 0.5 Ampere passes along its length. Plot the Hall voltage across its width as a function of magnetic induction field (use unit Gauss)

Extra reading on Hall effect:

As a young American student in 1879, Edwin H. Hall discovered an unexpected phenomenon. He found that if a thin gold plate is placed in a magnetic field at right angles to its surface an electric current flowing along the plate can cause a potential drop at right angles both to the current and the magnetic field. Termed the Hall effect, this takes place because electrically charged particles (in this case electrons) moving in a magnetic field are influenced by a force and deflect laterally. The Hall effect can be used to determine the density of charge carriers (negative electrons or positive holes) in conductors and semiconductors, and has become a standard tool in physics laboratories the world over. Edwin Hall later joined Harvard Physics Department in 1881 as a faculty. More than a century later, Hall effect made science news again with the discovery of Quantum Hall effect (or Quantized Hall effect), in which the Hall resistance is quantized in unit and fraction of  Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_8.gif  (Resistance=Volt/Amp=Volt sec/charge=Volt charge sec/Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_9.gif = Energy sec/Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_10.gif =Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_11.gif). The effect happens in two-dimensional electron gas in a semiconductor quantum well. Shortly thereafter, fractional Quantum Hall effects were also discovered. The discovers of the QHE were awarded with the Nobel prizes.
Hall-effect has been used to make sensors for engine, motor, robotics, etc. As example, many of today's computerized engine control systems are using Hall-Effect sensors, also called Hall-Effect switches, to sense crankshaft and camshaft speed and position. These switches vary in design but are similar in operation. The main differences lie in the voltages at which they work, physical configuration and location on the engine.  The Hall-Effect sensor is a very accurate way for a computer to "see" the exact position or measure the speed of a spinning shaft. Most designs utilize a shutter which passes through an opening in the sensor. The opening has a magnetic field passing across from a permanent magnet to the electronic switch. When the shutter passes through the magnetic field,  it is interrupted and a change in voltage is sensed by the computer. With the shutter in the opening, the voltage falls to near zero. With the shutter out of the opening, the voltage rises to the specified voltage level. This voltage is usually equal to battery voltage on GM, Ford and many Chrysler engines. However, on Chrysler 3.3L, 3.8L and 3.5L engines, the EC sends out an 8 volt power supply and receives a 5 volt-0 volt signal back on the sensor output wire. Some Hall Sensors use a moving magnet attached to a timing chain sprocket (GM) or notches in the flex plate (Chrysler) to generate a signal.  

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_12.gif

A charge moving in a magnetic field experiences an electromotive force:
                                        F=q v×B
in the y direction:            Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_13.gif
(see drawing in the slide note the convention of the flow direction)
Then there should be a current due to this force:
                                        Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_14.gif

But where does this current go? It can’t just flow forever, because the carrier will form a gradient with counter the follow to reach a steady state. At equilibrium, there is no net flow and there must be a force that counters this electromotive force. This force is an electric field formed by the gradient of the carrier uneven distribution:
                                                Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_15.gif   or  Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_16.gif
If the test electrodes are far apart by a width w, then the Hall voltage is:
                                                              Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_17.gif.  
When Hall first discovered the effect, he was using Au. The carrier are electrons which have negative charge, and the Hall voltage is negative. Years later, when people used the techniques to study the transport properties of various materials, they discovered that some materials have positive Hall effects. These materials are semiconductors, and so they are called n-type (n for negative) for negative Hall effect or p-type (p for positive) for positive Hall effects. So this led to a puzzle in semiconductor technology: what some have negative charge carrier and some have positive charge carrier for the same semiconductor compound, e. g. Ge. People knew that have something to do with impurities, but why some are n and some are p?
Now a day, people do Hall measurement routinely to characterize a material and they made various pattern to test.

Bonus homework: look up a commercial semiconductor Hall sensor (hint: GaAs). Get the spec sheet. Describe how it works and can be used to sense the magnetic marker for rotation speed sensing.

2.2 Hall effect conceptual illustration

2.2.1 Lorentz force - Classical motion

App Demo: Lorentz force - Hall effect - Demo 1

2.2.2 Hall voltage

App Demo: Hall Effect - Hall Voltage

2.3 Obtaining sample intrinsic properties

2.3.1 Drift velocity

At equilibrium, Hall voltage force must counter balance Lorentz force:
                       Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_20.gif  or Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_21.gif  
Let w be the strip width, then:
                       Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_22.gif
Thus, we can determine the drift velocity:
                       Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_23.gif

2.3.3 Carrier type and carrier density

                       Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_24.gif
which can be understood with:
             Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_25.gif   and  Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_26.gif  (the Drude model of conductivity)
In fact, substitute:
                    Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_27.gif    
Or:               Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_28.gif
we obtain the quantity:
                        Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_29.gif
denoted as the Hall coefficient Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_30.gif, which is the inverse of the conducting carrier charge density, an intrinsic property of the sample.

When we do measurements:
                      Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_31.gif,
a positive or negative  Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_32.gif will tell immediately whether we have p-type or n-type carriers
and the bulk carrier density is:
                      Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_33.gif

Hence, the objective of the Hall measurement is to obtain the Hall coefficient.

2.3.5 2D carrier density or sheet carrier density.

Note this:     Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_34.gif  
We measure Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_35.gif and control Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_36.gif, Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_37.gif, hence, only the depth (or thickness) of the conducting layer is needed to determine the Hall coefficient. However, if we don’t know the depth, then the measurement is simply for 2 D, i. e. all quantities are related to areal rather than bulk. For example, since we don’t know d, we just obtain the quantity:
                Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_38.gif  
Then:        Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_39.gif
where    Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_40.gif is the 2D carrier density: carrier density per unit area, also called the sheet density.   

2.3.2 Hall mobility

Recalling that:       σ=q n μ
We can obtain the mobility:
                            Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_41.gif
Hence, knowing the sample conductivity (by measuring its resistance), the Hall coefficient gives us the mobility.

2.4 Hall effect measurement simulation

2.4.1 Simulation

App Demo: Hall effect simulation

2.4.2 Additional note about unit

Be careful with unit when doing calculation. See below.

Quantity Standard Unit Practical unit Comment
Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_43.gif A mA or μA Prefer current source
Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_44.gif V V Only if voltage source is used
Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_45.gif Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_46.gif Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_47.gif Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_49.gif V mV or μV
Sample thickness d cm μm
Strip width w cm mm Not relevant - for calc only
Strip length l cm mm Not relevant -for calc only with V source
Carrier density n or p Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_50.gif Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
Mobility Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part
                1_52.gif Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part

In addition: ElectronCharge=1.602176487×10^-19 C

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_54.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_55.gif

Note about Tesla: there is a factor Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_56.gif to keep it consistent with all other quantities. For example about Hall coeff Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_57.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_58.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_59.gif

We have to convert Tesla: Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_60.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_61.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_62.gif

Hence, we must multiply Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_63.gif to the numerical value of Hall coefficient Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_64.gif  to have it in the unit of Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_65.gif,
Similarly, let’s consider   Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_66.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_67.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_68.gif

The output Hall voltage must be multiplied by Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_69.gif to be in Volt. Suppose with use other units for other quantities, we must include the conversion factor. Example:  
                 Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_70.gif
Or:          Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_71.gif

2.4.3 Simple calculator

App Demo: Hall effect simple calculator

3. Band formation illustration

3.1 Concept introduction

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_73.gif

Example: one unit cell (example based on GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well with width=70 A).

This is just one state in level 2 (we call it conduction band)

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_74.gif

Including many states for both levels 1 and 2. We will call level 1 valence band.

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_75.gif

Example: two unit cells

We see that the wavefunction takes a shape that is a hybrid fusion of 2 basis wavefunctions of each QW.

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_76.gif

There is an “antisymmetric” state that is not shown.

Example: three unit cells

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_77.gif

Example: six unit cells

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_78.gif

Note how closely the energy levels are by zooming in:

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_79.gif

3.2 Bands and bandgap: concept introduction

The above is only for a hypothetical linear crystal with only 6 unit cells. We see that there are 6 energy levels between the range from 0.7505 to 0.7550 eV. Since each state above can actually accept 2 electrons of different spin (spin +1/2 and -1/2), there are 12 states for electrons to occupy.

But in a very large crystal with Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_80.gif cells for example, the energy levels can be so densed together that we can treat it conveniently as “continuous” within a range, which we call a band.

It is like having trillions and trillions of levels within 0.75 and 0.755 eV in the example above that we consider the range from 0.75 and 0.755 eV as a band, and energy is “practically continuous” within that band.

But the energy can still be quantized between different bands.
The energy gap between 2 bands is call a bandgap.

In semiconductors, only 2 bands are important:
- an upper band that is mostly empty of electrons in a pure crystal at absolute zero temperature, which we call “conduction band”;
- and the lower band beneath the conduction band that are completely filled with electrons in a pure crystal at absolute zero temperature, which we call “valence band.” (electrons in valence band are what cause the bonding between atoms).
- The energy difference between these two bands are called band gap energy or just “band gap”.

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_81.gif  

3.3 Density-of-state function: concept introduction

One important concept is based on the question: for a given system, how many states are available for electrons to occupy as a function of energy?

Digression: concept analogy: How many apartments are available for occupancy at a certain height level?

      Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_82.gif               Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_83.gif  

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_84.gif    Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_85.gif

In the example of GaAs quantum wells with 6 unit cells, we know the answer is that there are 12 states between 0.7505 and 0.7550 eV.

But when the energy levels are so densed that energy is practically continuous within a band, we use the concept of density of state (DoS) function: It is the number of states per unit of energy at energy level E:
                                              D(E) ΔE = # states between E and E+ΔE

However, in the examples in 3.1, we see that with 3 unit cells, we have 3 states x 2 pins= 6 states. With 6 unit cells, we have 12 states. What if we have N unit cells? As we can guess, the answer is 2N states. Thus, the number of states is proportional to the number of atoms or molecules of a piece of semiconductor.

Hence, the appropriate concept for DoS is the number of states per unit of energy (at energy level E) per unit volume.
                                            D(E) ΔE = # states between E and E+ΔE per unit volumn

4. Bloch wave function concept

4.1 Illustration

Below is a hypothetical Bloch wavefunction.

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Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_88.gif

App Demo: Bloch wave function concept

The above illustrate two electrons with different momenta. Which one runs faster? and which one has longer wavelength. What is the relation of wavelength and speed?

4.2 Key concepts:

Momentum of such a wave is: Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_90.gif
This value of momentum is what we use to obtain the effective electron speed:
                        Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_91.gif
where  Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_92.gif is just some quantity that is a property of the system.

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_93.gif  

It is obvious that Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_94.gif has to be the mass of the electron. But note that we do not use symbol m for the electron mass, but Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_95.gif, because it is NOT electron mass. This will be the topic for the next sub-section.

Interestingly, the energy associated with such wave is:
                              Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_96.gif
where Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_97.gif is some value that we call “band extremum energy” (or band edge energy sometimes).

This looks just like classical result! but in reality, it is based on quantum mechanics. It just happens that the approximation for E[k] is classical-like, which makes it easy to comprehend.

4.3 Effective mass

Now we deal with the meaning of quantity Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_98.gif above.

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_99.gif


Below is a band in some semiconductor. The vertical axis unit is eV. The horizontal axis unit is Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_100.gif. The shape of the band can be obtained by experimental measurements or by theoretical calculation (very computing-intensive and extensive).

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Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_102.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_103.gif

Find the effective mass

The effective mass is defined as:
                                 Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_104.gif
Usually, it is measured relative to the electron rest mass:
                                    Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_105.gif
                                     Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_106.gif
Assume the band energy is

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Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_112.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_113.gif

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_114.gif

The effective mass is (from the above):
                                           Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_115.gif
So we need to use appropriate energy unit for conversion.

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Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_117.gif

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Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_121.gif

The effective mass is 0.15 (relative to electron rest mass).

5. The absence of electron (electron void) in valence band: holes

Chapter 3 - Carriers in semiconductor - Part 1_122.gif   

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