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Numerical Methods for Electrical and Computer Engineering

Instructor: Prof. Han Le


Current and time-sensitive announcements are posted here. Less time-sensitive (one day or more) may be announced via e-mails. You are strongly encouraged to check this page early on the day of class.
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We have a new page, "Class Blogs" where we put things that don't fit into Class Notes, but they can be fun and useful to our learning. Please visit that page often.

Online office hours are posted: Monday - Friday by appointment. Everyone is strongly urged to use online appointment for help or to discuss performance concerns.
In the class, we analyzed the US Covid-19 situation. Based on latest 10-day data, the best case scenario for the US Covid-19 situation is a flatten out of infected population shown below, obtained by fitting the sigmoid or logistic (also Fermi-Dirac) curve:

Below: blue points: data, yellow: curve fit.


data source:
Special integrated-knowledge lecture: The case of Wuhan 2019-novCoV epidemic: a case study binomial distribution, Bayesian inference, categorical variables

Welcome to the course. Please read the syllabus and obtain the necessary software. This is the UH Mathematica page: