Class Notes

  • Mathematica
                                                  nb is a Mathematica(R) Notebook (.nb) file. Right click to download and save. Do not try to open in a web browser. Run with Mathematica.
  • This is the UH Mathematica page
  • Wolfram cdf is a Mathematica CDF module that can be run with a free CDF player.
  • You can still run cdf module in Internet Explorer that allows ActiveX. You can download IE plug-in for ActiveX for other browsers such as firefox, opera, chrome. However, the full functionality of the apps may not be available.
  • For the benefits of those using jupyter, some .ipynb files are posted, but html version is more convenient, and icon  may indicate either .ipynb or its html version (more convenient to see online and one can just copy and paste into a Jupyter nb).

Important: Please install StyleSheet ECE3340 - follow instruction.

Course Materials
Lecture set 1 Introduction
part 1   part 2

Tutorial 1


Tutorial 2
The jupyter nb html is extra only for those interested. It is NOT as complete as, and not a substitute for as the Mathematica nb.


Tutorial 2.5
see the html jupyter nb for the sound exercise (section 3)


Tutorial 3 (if the html is too slow to load, visit each sub-page)
page 1  page 2   page 3

Tutorial_3    answer

Student-individual-interest project example: dipole array far-field


Student-individual-interest project example: classification (discussed in class)

Lecture set 2 Intro to computer capability and limitation - precision and accuracy concept

Lecture set 3 Binary number representation

Tutorial 4 

Lecture set 4
Polynomials, Zeros, and Roots

Supplementary note: polynomials


Lecture set 8
Fourier and Application in Linear Time Invariant System

Lecture segment 1: concept of spectrum

Lecture segment 2: review Fourier transform and Fourier analysis concept-Part 1
   html version of .nb for file error check pdf version for .nb file

Lecture segment 2: review Fourier transform and Fourier analysis concept-Part 2
html version of .nb for file error check

Lecture segment 2: review Fourier transform and Fourier analysis concept-Part 3

html version of .nb for file error check pdf version for .nb file

Lecture segment 3: discrete Fourier transform (FFT)-Part 1

Lecture segment 3: discrete Fourier transform (FFT)-Part 2

Fourier analysis and techniques (cont.)

Supplementary note:
Fourier tutorial series - segment 1

Supplementary note:
Fourier tutorial series - segment 2

Supplementary note:
Fourier tutorial series - segment 3: the programming nitty-gritty practicals of doing numerical Fourier transform and applications to HW.

Additional Fourier demos


Laplace transform

Lecture set 9
Part A: Numerical Fitting/ Regression
note: ppt/pdf file is only a summary, main lecture is in the Mathematica file ->
check html version for potential .nb download error
Use this app (Sect. 3)

fortune100  fortune1000ext     
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mixed Tutorial Data Analysis and lecture

Part A - continued. Introduction to Data Clusters and Classification.
Lecture and demo only

Lecture set 9
Part B: Interpolation/approximation, Spline (smoothing)

Lecture set 10
Stochastic Phenomena, Probability, Monte Carlo Methods

Intro to Monte Carlo concept (segment 1) - Examples on shot noise and thermal noise

Intro to Monte Carlo concept (segment 2) - Types of stochastic process and common distributions

Intro to probability and Bayes' rule (segment 1)- Probability and descriptive statistics
    DJIA auto

Intro to probability and Bayes' rule (segment 2)- Bayes' rule, Bayesian decision, BBN

Data clusters and classification revisited.

Intro to stochastic calculus and financial applications

Lecture set 11
Numerical methods for differential equations

Diff Eq. (segment 1) -basic

Diff Eq. (segment 2) -system of equations  

Diff Eq. (segment 3) -additional illustrations, examples

Supplementary materials

A note about programming and Mathematica syntax

Python-Mathematica introductory "rosetta"

Sound recording problem


ECE3340 Mathematica notebook stylesheet. (See explanation in class how to install). Download the file to the right.

For Windows, first, delete old stylesheet of the same name ECE3340 if exists, then put the downloaded file into folder:

For Mac OS: