ECE 2100 |
Page 2
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Lab work
modification: |
Part A: High-pass filter
Step 0
Background on the high-pass filter
Part A
Step 1
Build the high-pass filter circuit. Please download the wiring help app.

Please refer to the picture of the circuit above for additional help
Part A
Step 2
Frequency response: Please see the circuit simulation app for theoretical calculation, to be compared with experimental measurements. Below is an example: the results of the circuit in the photo.
Theory: From circuit simulation app:
Bode magnitude Bode phase

Experiment: For the actual circuit in the photograph:
Bode magnitude Bode phase

Theory: From circuit simulation app:

Experiment: For the actual circuit in the photograph:
Nyquist 2D Nyquist 3D (white horizontal arrow is Log frequency)

Part A
Step 3
Step response


Part A
Step 3
Impulse response

Continue to page 3