Course APPs

About running APPs

  • If you have Mathematica(R), download the .nb APP files.
  • If you don't have Mathematica(R), you will need to download the free  Wolfram CDF player . Then download .cdf  APP files and run.

Precision and Accuracy demo app, Data-Entry app.
Scroll down further for Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider apps related to Lab 1

 Accuracy and precision demo

Data-Entry app: help to enter and save experimental measurements. See example below how to use this app.


How to use the data-entry app

(obsolete) Lab 1: Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider

In this lab, you will build a simple voltage divider and a current divider using only resistors. You will get familiar with various bench instruments including the DC power supply and practice measurements with the digital multi-meter. The teaching assistant and instructor will be around to help if you have questions. For pre-lab, you should do some calculations of the circuits so that you know what to expect in your experiments.

Below are two apps for the circuits. For the actual lab and its report, you are supposed to measure the actual values of your resistors, not the nominal values as read from the color-band code. For example, you may have a 4.7-kOhm resistor per the color band code like this:

Applying 5 V across it, you may expect a current of:

i = 5V/4.7 kOhm = 1.064 mA.

However, when you measure the resistor by itself, you find out that it is 4.95 kOhm instead of 4.7. Then, the current you should expect is:

i = 5V/4.95 kOhm = 1.010 mA.

For both circuits of Lab 1, you should measure and substitute the actual resistance values into the apps to obtain the expected currents and/or voltages. Then compare your calculated values with the actual measurements.

Circuit-animation version of the apps: (this version is for fast computer; slower computer should use non-animated version at the bottom)
Lab 1-Part 1 Voltage divider (click gif for .cdf)
For .nb:  
Lab 1-Part 2 Current divider

For .nb  

How to use the control of Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider apps

Inanimated version of the apps (for slow computer)
Lab 1-Part 1 Voltage divider (no circuit animation)
Lab 1-Part 2 Current divider (no circuit animation)

Lab 1-Part 1 Voltage dividerlab1_pt2_volt_div
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Lab 1-Part 2 Current divider
       (html requires activeX such as IE)