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Lab 2 Kirchhoff's circuit laws - (circuits with LEDs)

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Below is the old version. Obsolete. Go to current version here.

This is slightly lighter app version-> 

Obsolete: Lab 2 Basic - Kirchhoff's c
ircuit laws -
(resistor circuits)

go to current version

You can use the APPs below to check out the circuits before doing in the lab. You are encouraged to try different values of resistors to observe changes in the current behavior. The idea of a lab is for you to explore and learn, and not just do exactly what are designed. The more variations you try and gain insight of Kirchhoff's circuit laws, the better you learn. Don't just follow step by step without understanding the rationale behind it.

You might notice that circuit 1 and 2 are virtually the same (flipping up/down then reflection left/right), except for the different values of resistors and the location of the source and its polarity.

Circuit 1


Circuit 2