
Course introduction

Study electrical engineering

ICT and the Digital Economy

Lightwave - Review

Intro fiber -part 1
Set 1
Optical fiber - part 1
Intro fiber -part 1

Supplementary: additional materials from ECE 5358/6358

Optical fiber - part 2

Intro fiber -part 1
Set 2 Optical fibers and cables

 Supplemental materials: carrier and modulation (ECE1100 lecture)

Intro fiber
                -part 1
Set 3 Light transmission in fiber- part 1

Light transmission in fiber- part 2
Intro fiber -part 1

Gaussian pulse demo App: envelope broadening

Gaussian pulse demo App: chirped carrier

GVD demo APP

More elementary stuffs about Fourier transform and Fourier numerical methods: go to this link
Then, scroll down to Lecture Set 6: Numerical methods for Fourier transform
There are several notes. Two main notes are: Illustration of basic FFT concept, part 1 and part 3

There are many apps that illustrate the concept on this page. Look under "About discrete Fourier transform and applications"

Set 4 Laser primers -part 1

Intro fiber -part 1

Laser primers -part 2

Supplemental material: review of quantum physics

Supplemental material: semiconductors 

Supplemental material: tunable lasers

Set 5 Detector - pt. 1

Detector - pt. 2

Set 6 Noise and signal

Review: concept of spectrum and PSD analysis - part 1

part 2

Stochastic concepts

Introduction to Noises

Intro fiber -part 1

Receiver and ROSA

Set 7
Optical Amplifiers

Set 8 Photonic Devices and Modules

Set 9 Network part 1

Set 10
Network part 2

NYTimes: Marine optical fiber graphics

Submarine cable map

The Verge: Microsoft and Facebook’s record-setting undersea cable sets another record

Data Center Frontier: Facebook Will Begin Selling Wholesale Fiber Capacity

VB: How Google is building its huge subsea cable infrastructure

Extra reading: Google fibers

WSJ Google’s High-Speed Web Plans Hit Snags - WSJ

HBR: Why Google Fiber Is High-Speed Internet’s Most Successful Failure

Additional notes in class