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Download pre-lab  here.

ECE 2100

Lab. IV - Dependent Sources - Operational Amplifier
Voltage Amplifier, Transimpedance Amplifier

Please download these items:

1. Lab 4 workbook and report
2. ECE_2100_Lab_4_guide_Part_0 

    Special guide

    Special guide: ECE_2100_Lab_4_Part_1_Step_5_AD2_guide

    ECE_2100_Lab_4_guide_Part_B and C    (DO NOT DO any lab work -
    see demonstration and write a report only)
Update page b

Lab work modification:

- Do Part 0 ( Introduction), Part 1 (Instrumentation), and Part A only (three parts total): do everything, including answering/discussion all questions.

- Experimental work of Part B and C are not required: It means no circuit, no measurement needs be done. You are required to only observe and write a report of your understanding, thoughts, and summary of these Parts. This should be put at the end of your report, a synthesis of everything that you learn in Lab 4. Create a subsection, titled "Report on observation of Parts B and C demonstrations". Do not mix this with what you summarize for your work in Part A.

However, if you do any work along the line of Part B and Part C, you are welcome to include for extra credit.

Part B and Part C online reference

Below are html excerpts from   ECE_2100_Lab_4_guide_Part_B and C   

They do not contain apps or calculations shown in the Mathematica Guide above.

Introduction to Part B and Part C

Part B - Step 1

remote control

remote control system concept

photodiode vs LED

TIA basic concept

Part B - Step 2

wiring diagram for photoreceiver
Please use the app in Mathematica for step-by-step instruction

Part B - Step 3

Example of the circuit (click for full size)

click both the audio and the video below

Lab4 3-dB bandwidth demo

impulse response test

End of Part B

continue to Part C